Hillary Williams

Health Promotion Coordinator

Hillary graduated from the University of Maine at Farmington in 2015 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Community Health Education.

Hillary previously worked at Healthy Androscoggin from 2017- 2020 working on a childhood obesity prevention grant called 5-2-1-0 Let’s Go! After that she worked for the Public Health Nursing Department at the Maine CDC for a year, expanding their referral system and access to prenatal, postpartum, and substance use services for mothers living with substance use disorder. Hillary left to become a stay at home parent after welcoming her daughter in 2021. Hillary is excited to be back working at Healthy Androscoggin where she knows the work she does directly affects the lives around her.

In her free time Hillary loves to spend time with family and friends. She enjoys going for nature walks with her husband, daughter and two Australian shepherds. During the summer she spends a lot of time in Harpswell, ME at her family’s camp near the ocean.