Healthy Androscoggin Office- Located on 2nd Floor of 124 Lisbon Street, Lewiston Maine
About Us
Healthy Androscoggin works to create a community of thriving residents by giving individuals tools to live a healthy life. We also know that creating a community that values and encourages health is key to ensuring its residents can succeed. Our staff and partners do this by making healthy living more accessible. We focus on these main topic areas:
Here are some examples of how we work across these focus areas to provide tools to residents and create a culture of health in Androscoggin County:
We teach people of all ages how to shop, cook and eat healthy on a budget.
We work with organizations to create tobacco and smoke free policies to protect people from secondhand & thirdhand smoke exposure.
We provide assistance to local landlords to create lead safe housing.
More examples of our projects can be found in our most recent annual report. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 207-795-5990 to learn more about our work and how you can get involved. If you believe in our work we are always happy to accept donations.
Healthy Androscoggin is a project of Central Maine Community Health, and affiliate of Central Maine Healthcare.