Healthy Androscoggin works with adults, youth, providers, and other organizations to educate about and support tobacco-free lifestyles and tobacco-free environments.
Tobacco Support Group
Nicotine Anonymous offers various types of support groups and other resources for people who are interested in or contemplating quitting. There are additional resources available at the bottom of this page as well.
Click here to read about one person’s recovery through the Tobacco Support Group.
Tobacco Use and Recovery
Not starting or ending tobacco use greatly increases a person’s ability to maintain their recovery efforts; this includes the use of vaping devices. There are free resources to help you quit. Keep scrolling to the resources section for the Maine Quitlink.
To learn more, here are some additional resources:
Breathe Easy: How a Smoke-Free Recovery Can Lower Your Risk of Relapse
Vaping, Marijuana, and Other Drugs - National Institute on Drug Abuse
Tobacco and cannabis co-use: Drug substitution, quit interest, and cessation preferences
Tobacco Education
Healthy Androscoggin provides technical assistance and educational trainings across Androscoggin County that address nicotine use and quit resources. These educational programs and trainings include presentations designed for youth or adults on the effects of vaping and other tobacco use and how to access quit resources.
Healthy Androscoggin provides technical assistance to places where we live, work, and play that are interested in creating or updating their tobacco-free policies. To learn more about policy implementation, email us at info@healthyandroscoggin.org
Success stories from the community
Taylor Brook Dental Associates
Trends in Tobacco Use… One School District’s Comprehensive Approach
Tobacco Free Lisbon Street, Lewiston ME
Links and Resources
Maine QuitLink Helpline 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
To learn more about any of these programs, ask questions, or access resources, please contact
Healthy Androscoggin at 795-5990 or info@healthyandroscoggin.org